Privacy statement

This privacy policy describes how we collect information digitally, how this information is processed, and the purpose of the collection.

Sveastranda AS is responsible for the processing of personal data as described in this privacy policy. Where the day-to-day responsibility is delegated, this is stated under each individual point. The delegation only covers the tasks and not the responsibility. The declaration contains information you are entitled to when information is collected from our website (Personal Data Act § 19) and general information about how we process personal data (Personal Data Act § 18 subsection 1).

Personal data we collect and process

We process the following categories of personal data:

  • Contact information: Name, telephone number, address and email address
  • Customer activity: Activity and behavior on the website, app, or via other electronic communication. This may involve statistics about time spent on the website, actions, demographics or other relevant activity linked to the individual platform.
  • Cookies: see our information about cookies in our privacy module.


How we use the personal data

When you make a booking, we ask for personal information to process the booking in question. The information is recorded and stored in our booking systems at BookVisit. Personal information we receive is used to administer the inquiry. This also includes the sending of confirmation as well as information and reminders relating to completed orders via email, SMS etc.

Contact form
When you fill in a contact form or another request on the website, we ask for personal information in order to process the inquiry. The information is sent by e-mail and stored in a text document. It is also stored in a separate index in the online solution. Personal information we receive is not used for purposes other than managing the inquiry. It is not encouraged to send confidential, sensitive or other confidential information via the contact form.

E-mail and telephone

We use e-mail and telephone as part of our daily work. Relevant information that emerges from telephone conversations and e-mail exchanges that take place as part of case management can be archived.

We also use e-mail in general dialogue with internal and external contacts. The individual is responsible for deleting messages that are no longer relevant, and at least every year to review and delete unnecessary content in the e-mail box. Upon resignation, the e-mail accounts are deleted, but certain relevant e-mails will normally be transferred to colleagues.

Sensitive personal data must not be sent by e-mail.

We draw your attention to the fact that regular e-mail is unencrypted. We therefore do not encourage you to send confidential, sensitive or other confidential information via e-mail.

The employees have an overview of the most recent calls on their phones. If a telephone conversation is linked to an individual matter, a note may be written after the conversation which is recorded. There is no other systematic recording of telephone calls where the caller can be identified.

Analysis and improvement of services

We work continuously to develop and improve our services and the information we provide you. This work involves analyzing the uses of our digital solutions and customer activity. We use Google Analytics to measure this activity. The purpose of this is to prepare statistics that we use to improve and further develop the information offered on the website. Examples of what the statistics provide answers to are how many people visit various pages, how long the visit lasts, which websites the users come from and which browsers are used.

The information is processed in de-identified and aggregated form. De-identified means that we cannot trace the information we collect back to the individual user. In addition, the IP addresses are processed on an aggregated level, i.e. all data is combined into a group and not processed individually.

Data associated with statistics is automatically deleted after 14 months if no new activity is created. Information from this tool is not disclosed to actors other than our marketing partner.


We use personal data in connection with the sale and marketing of our products and services, for example if you have visited our website and consented to targeted marketing. This includes Meta Pixel, Google remarketing, etc.

Storage of information and processing of this information is not permitted unless the user has both been informed about and has given his consent to the processing. The user must be informed about and approve which information is processed, what the purpose of the processing is and who processes the information, cf. the Electronic Communications Act § 2-7b.


Everyone who asks has the right to basic information about the processing of personal data in a business according to § 18, subsection 1 of the Personal Data Act. Those who are registered in one of our systems have the right to access their own information. The person concerned also has the right to request that incorrect, incomplete or information that we are not authorized to process be corrected, deleted or supplemented. Claims from the registered must be answered free of charge and within 30 days at the latest.


Contact information

E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: +47 61 18 15 29
Postal address: Stokkevegen 147, 2836 Biri